Every single gamer, or even at least most gamers have done this during their lifetime. When you are playing a game and things doesn’t go your way or a very unfortunate outcome of a game occurs, you do that one thing which most people would see as a stress reliever, and that thing is called rage quitting. Which is what hip hop icon Snoop Dogg was doing while playing Madden 21 on Twitch.
According to Sport Bible, Snoop was only playing for 15 minutes. Snoop was down by 14 points and this obviously did not sit too well with him. But the final straw was when his opponent scored another touchdown making it 21 points down, and Snoop just lost it and immediately shut off the console. Even though the console was off, his Twitch live stream wasn’t. Therefore, you could still see what he was doing in his room. Viewers witnessed him screaming in expletives and blaming the room he was playing in for the woeful performance. Amazingly around two hundred and thousand viewers saw this.