Ten Dates can provide the tools to aid you in real-life dating.
There comes a time in an adult’s or even a teenager’s life, when they start dating – with the primary goal of finding the soul mate they may want to spend the rest of their lives with. It isn’t an easy thing to do. It might take a while for some, while a small percentage are lucky enough to experience love at first sight. And speaking of love, it is one of the best human emotions to embrace. It’s even sweeter when it’s with someone with whom you have much in common. Although, in some occasions, opposites attract.
For the ones who are single and ready to mingle, exploring a plethora of resources in order to find that perfect someone is exciting, as it creates that thrill for the chase. Whether it’s from movies, TV shows, social media, or even from other people, there are so many ways to find your true love. Even video games can be of service to you. One thing you should remember is that everyone is different. There is no one size fits all manual. However, it won’t hurt to get certain tips that prove to work most of the time.

When it comes to looking for a boyfriend, or girlfriend, dating apps and websites are two of the most popular methods in the modern day. It’s a very quick and easy process to find a mate. Although, one should be very cautious when using them because of the commonly renowned dangers and consequences that someone could potentially face from chatting with strangers on the internet.
Ten Dates starts you off with having the option of going in as male – Ryan or as the female – Misha. Then, you have to set up your social media account by initially picking which of their profile pictures you feel represents you more accurately. Along with the industry you work in – your own interests and star sign. So already, Ten Dates has brilliantly provided you with the impressions of real-life online dating vibes.
The epilogue is of an intriguing conversation between Ryan and Misha – which involves Misha explaining that she signed both of them up for speed dating. Later that day, you will be lined up with five other participants. Because this is speed dating, you are given only five minutes in each round.

In such a short time frame, your aim is to impress as well as try to get to know the other person to see if something is there. That is quite a task, but this is an excellent opportunity to test your thinking and reaction speed. During the process, you’ll somewhat stumble on the realisation that it’s quite commendable they’ve added some diversity into Ten Dates and a great touch in showing some love to the LGBTQ community by including same-sex mating.
With Ten Dates, going out with people of different personalities and a multitude of situations are logical methods in helping players to prepare for what might come their way in the real dating world. Like acknowledging that some are nice, while others are too arrogant or snobby, where it gets to a point, you wish you hadn’t met them in the first place. Also, the instances of what you would do if another individual has disrespected your date.
After the event, you are then given the option of selecting two of the five whom you feel are potentials. Ten Dates is pretty flexible with a medley of back-and-forth questions – some of which are quite tricky, joyous mini-games, debates, and so on. Speaking of debates, it also does well to insert everyday social and political topics.

For example, the discussion of where you see yourself in the future and the possible openness or constraints that might occur in it. Ten Dates allows you to project your actual thinking on the subjects in the game. You will learn more about them as the relationship progresses – and about yourself. And you are possibly faced with some disclosure of facts about them that may or may not shock you and vice versa.
There’s also something that awaits you. You know, with some games, you can decide between good and evil? The same applies in Ten Dates – well, sort of. With some of the questions asked, the answers you pick determine if you appear welcoming and friendly or rude and obnoxious. Which might trigger a surprisingly auspicious reaction or apparent indications of what you’re saying are deal breakers.
Ten Dates is a sublime matchmaking exercise to use as a learning curve that benefits men and women equally. A superior sequel to the positively reviewed Five Dates that one would strongly recommend to others. Although, it’s ironic that the number of dates you go on doesn’t truly reflect on the title.

While it also may not contain many revolutionary factors – it’s an equitably cheap dating tool that can be a confidence booster and may apply you with some equipment to take into the real-life dating world. Furthermore, it strikes gold with naturally developing relationships. It’s like you are garnering much deeper connections with your dates, and it has become one of the key facets to hoping that you would eventually meet and partner up with an actual someone with even similar traits.
It helps considerably with very convincing acting and an entertaining plot – followed by nicely flowing and interesting dialogues to keep your attention glued to your screens. Aside from the interaction feature, it felt like watching a compelling romantic movie you’d normally watch on your powerhouse streaming services such as Netflix.
Albeit, it would have been finer to have more places to go for more excitement – seeing as the ones provided are very limited. Plus, Ten Dates’ gameplay duration could’ve been increased – even by a little. Although you are playing a virtual dating game, you still get that satisfying feeling when your date responds positively to your answers, which in turn builds momentum throughout your time with them.

But for the times you do mess up – with Ten Dates’ replayability, you should have no problem starting over to righting your wrongs – as well as collecting the achievable trophies. Thankfully, the scenes become skippable. So, if you’re not willing to waste time watching certain ones again, then a simple click of a button will sort that out for you.
Some of you, especially the fellas, may have the swagger to easily charm their way into a woman’s heart. Whereas the rest of you might not have the greatest record with the ladies. That is why it is important to practice as much as possible to minimise the likelihood of making yourself look silly, putting the other person off, and in the worst-case scenario – trying to avoid you by any means. But not to fret, Ten Dates has more than enough elements to pose as a great training method.
One of the last things you’d want is to possess the stigma of having zero game – on top of being the talk of the town. If you feel that this applies to you, then Ten Dates can be used as a guide to transforming you from a dud to a stud.