Find your unique style and let it spark in Fashion Dreamer.
Being able to express ourselves through our clothing choices is an idea every one of us struggles with when we come of age. Whether consciously or subconsciously, whatever we choose to wear every day is an essential part of who we are, and in turn, those parameters define our taste. Set in its digital world aptly named Eve, Fashion Dreamer is a new video game solely revolving around the idea of creating looks for your digital persona.
To make a video game based solely on the choices of one’s clothing is a statement in and of itself, and Fashion Dreamer confidently strides in its decision. The first few lines of the introduction explain how through fashion, you can express yourself in unique and stylish ways that go beyond language. Developed by Syn Sophia and published by Marvelous and XSeed Games, this cute video game’s aspirations are quite lofty, even though it falls short in some areas.
Your avatar is called a Muse, and you can naturally choose from a Type A or Type B to resemble a more feminine or masculine physical appearance. From the shape of your face to your pose to more minute details such as a mole, lashes, and eye color can all be changed to your specific liking to express your individuality to the fullest.

For a video game focused on looks, Fashion Dreamer does an excellent job of showing many different features and characteristics to be as personalized as you want it to be. Black, white, and tanned skin colors and a plethora of hairstyles are all at your disposal. As not only how we look defines us, but also what we like, to further personalize your Muse, you are asked your favorite color, style, and, curiously enough, type of print.
There is a minigame called Lookit in which you can give NPCs a makeover. There is enjoyment to be had in mixing and matching the many skirts, blazers, jeans, shoes, and sunglasses on offer. Lookits are a way for you to continue developing your preferences and tastes. Depending on the outfit you create for your fellow fashion lovers, you can get bonuses for the look, color, and style of your choosing. A “Lookit Wishlist ” in which each NPC shows their preference, such as “Use red tones any way you like” rewards you with different stars and currency.
The interface of Fashion Dreamer, as a whole, is extremely user-friendly. Everything is clearly explained and to the point; its simplicity is certainly a strong suit considering for which kind of person this game would be aimed. The menu offers four options, your Item Box, Outfit, Quests, and Tips; in any case, you forget any of the mechanics available.

As you unlock the Salon Area in Fashion Dreamer, you’ll be able to change your makeup more easily with a “touch-up” that offers different options for your hair and makeup. In that same area, there is a photo booth called Photo Egg, in which you can choose a photo frame with a colorful background. This part of the game is surprisingly robust due to its many composition options, like the poses your character can make, the Instagram-inspired color filters, and backdrops for your character to look as stunning as they can be are available.
Once you’re pleased with the picture you have taken, an array of graphic design options such as graffiti, stickers, silhouettes, and graphics are available to intervene on the image. There is undoubtedly fun to be had in these instances, even if you are not too creative.
An area with a Trend Forecaster eventually becomes available, showing you the different patterns and styles that, if you create new outfits and upload them to your other Muses, you will gain more likes and followers. Little crumbs of information that add to the experience, for example, that orange is strongly associated with sociability and friendship, make these short trips to the trendsetter NPC somewhat more interesting than a bland and direct quote telling you what to wear on what day.

Fashion Dreamer is, in many ways, a game in which you have to make your own fun to be amused. There isn’t anything in the way of story or endgame goals or rewards other than getting as many followers and clothing as you like. The fun that can come out of playing this game is exclusively, and as the name of it clearly states, creating and trying out as many fashion styles as possible and letting your imagination run wild with it. In the best-case scenario, you could even try to apply some of the unique outfits inspired by the game in real life.
In the Item Creator, you can make your brand with your logo. As with the other areas of Fashion Dreamer, customization is the name, and it is best if you put your personal staple on whatever you create. From different frames, logo figures, and clippings that you can choose to definitely make something and call it completely yours, what all this focus on options makes more than anything is for you to flex your most extravagant and stylish ideas and show them to the world.
Different animal footprints, guitars, or even an adorable cat face can all be a part of your brand identity. If there is one thing Fashion Dreamer excels at, it is to let you express yourself to the fullest.
The Showroom is probably one of the more personalizable areas in Fashion Dreamer. Working as your Muse’s apartment, it is a place where you can set your stylish furniture, clothes, sofas, and more. As a crash course on interior design, it is very easy to use and choose the different decorations that can make your space truly stand out.

To the game’s benefit, there is an Online Mode. In it, you can connect with your friends and other Muses of the world playing Fashion Dreamer and share each other’s Showrooms and styles. One of the more enjoyable aspects of connecting with your pals is the Lookit feature, which lets you design your friends looking as outrageous or stylish as you want them to be.
That said, Fashion Dreamer can sometimes feel a little barebones. There are no options to save your favorite outfits. The makeup situation is always randomized, and you cannot choose any specific look you like. There is a gacha machine that is shoehorned to artificially make you have to work for “Bingo Cards” and hope for the best after making outfit after outfit, wishing for a better blazer, skirt, or jeans design.
The focus of the game of only creating progress by having more followers and likes is also questionable at best. One would hope that by achieving a certain number of followers, you could unlock a unique piece of clothing, have characters recognize you walking on the digital streets, or at least have some sort of achievement for putting in the effort. Amid all the criticism, there is hope on the horizon. Their official website mentions there will be upcoming updates with new ways to play, more clothing, and events.

Playing dress up is always entertaining, especially with this many options. There is a clear area of opportunity for this type of cozy game that, with a bit more polish and focus, can truly shine. Fashion Dreamer is a step in the right direction for its target audience with its seemingly endless wardrobe choices, but the lack of any meaningful story content can make the game feel pointless. With the promise of updates and special events on the horizon, here’s hoping it can become a high-fashion game for the ages.