Valorant rank framework can be confusing for certain players, with an aggregate of 8 ranks and 3 levels for every rank, the ranking framework can now and then overpower the players and the matchmaking calculation. With such a lot of division among ranks, it now and again gets hard to coordinate with players of a similar level with others while matchmaking.
Uproar has consistently attempted to keep up the equilibrium in ranks and has ceaselessly denied adding more ranks or levels to additional fragment the player base.
As of late players have been requesting that Riot add to the capacity to 5-stack in ranked matches which the organization has consistently denied.
Mob has consistently kept up its position of an additional division of the player base and expresses that there are numerous issues with the capacity to 5-stack in the ranked mode, first being the parting of lines in single/stacked players, and second, being the significant delays to discover a match.

Jon Walker, the Competitive Designer at Riot Games, shared his interpretation of 5-stack and said:
When contemplating the primary inquiry, we have huge concerns with respect to dividing lines. We don’t think parting the line or doing a flex line is the best answer for Valorant. We dread that one ranked line would turn into “The Real Ranked Queue” and the other line turns out to be less renowned.
The genuine issue lies in coordinating with players of equivalent expertise with each other. With 5-stacks, the issue of expertise based matchmaking will be raised further and line times will be higher.
Generally speaking, the matchmaking experience may languish over everybody and more players would confront circumstances where they are coordinated against profoundly talented players. This will prompt dissatisfaction among players and deter numerous from playing in the ranked mode which will additionally raise the adjusting issues in matchmaking.
Taking everything into account, it is better that 5-stack doesn’t return without a significant upgrade to matchmaking to keep up the game’s wellbeing. Also, the issue of smurfing is still everywhere and Riot should address that first prior to dealing with adding more highlights to ranked mode. Read more- Valorant Player Count 2021: Over 14 Million Players, Riot Confirms