You’ve been hearing about Resident Evil Village for a little while now, but the question that people have been waiting for is when exactly can gamers get their hands on the hugely anticipated horror? Well, the long awaited question has finally been answered. Resident Evil producer Peter Fabiano was firstly explaining about the next gen upgrade. Then he proceeded into finally answering the question we have all been waiting for. Peter says that the game will finally launch no later than May 7th 2021. And that’s not all, he also confirmed that pre-orders are now “kicking off today”.
So, we are only a few months away from finally getting our hands on this. This news definitely met with countless number of positive comments. Primarily comments referring to how they cannot wait to play the game. Now, for the time being, there is already a playable demo that was just released today that is only accessible to PlayStation 5 users. With the remaining platform users having to wait until spring to try it out.