Project Athia could be the new IP produced by Square Enix for PS5 and PC. While not much is known about it, this fantasy title was announced back in June 2020 as a special console when the PS5 was launched. Now, thanks to a new trailer featuring the popular PS5 games, we have a plan for how long it will last on Sony’s console.
Project Athia only comforts the PS5 for at least two years. It will be available on PC the same day installing PS5. So if you are playing on the Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, you will have to wait a long time.
Project Athia is developed by Luminous Productions using Luminous Engine which was first used in Final Fantasy 15. Project Athia currently has no release date or possibly release window, so don’t expect to play it anytime soon. It is not the only time-tested PS5 special console from Square Enix either, as Final Fantasy 16 next comes specifically for PS5 when it is launched.