‘Jurassic Life’ originally began only as Half-Life 2 mod set on Isla Nublar’s dinosaur escape from Jurassic Park. His group’s most recent update states that Jurassic Life is currently going to be an independent game. ModDB recently published an article stating, “JURASSIC LIFE can today be considered a full-length standalone game! You won’t need HL2 at all for the game to work. We wish to let you know that JURASSIC LIFE now only requires SOURCE SDK 2013, which is free and obtainable on Steam.”
ModDB has lionized a planning video on Youtube, showing Jurassic Life’s firearms, dinosaurs and moreover voice entertainers with its fragile, unforgiving VHS elegant. It’s totally fun watching them do pantomimes of the cast of the film, but Jurassic Life obviously draws inspiration from the book much like the movie for its locations. You’ll be playing as an officer at the recreation center Robert Muldoon, which implies the person whose activity is to state “clever girl” and get messily ate up, but perhaps sedative darts and a steer’s push will swing the chances of supporting you.
However, by the end of the article, its clearly written as disclaimer, “This is a non-profit fan-game that is not intended for commercial use. Jurassic Park and its characters and designs are properties owned by Universal Studios. This game was made from the fans for the fans.” Now let’s sit back and wait for the year to pass and observe when it intends to release. Its highly expected Universal won’t object on those grounds