Dune Sea is a platform adventure game. Here, the player will fly like a goose and experience marvelous landscapes and background music. Everything here is just so accurate, from flapping wings to escaping from rocks. It gives such a natural feeling that will make you lost in its amazing visuals. In the world of action games, Dune Sea has created a very relaxing atmosphere.

Dune Sea looks like an easy game, but you must spend some time in the game to figure out how this works. You will be given a stamina bar. To increase your stamina, there will be some items you have to pick up, like seeds and flowers. Each will increase your stamina a bit. Another way to increase stamina is by landing on the ground. This slowly increases the stamina level. If your stamina drains out fast, you will not be able to play for a longer time.
You must keep the balance of movements of the goose here. The movements are main here as you must save yourself from the rocks and the coyote, too. After spending some time in the game, you will gain the ability to keep up with the balance you need. You must save yourself from all the obstacles. Speed is an important part here. You have to maintain it with a flap and with a combination of flap and point forward.
Dune Sea gives its players complete freedom. You can fly, flap, glide, dive, and land anywhere you want. Once you land, you will be able to walk in both directions. There are some checkpoints where you need to land. By landing there, your stamina will increase. You can honk to call other birds.
While you are in a side-looking viewpoint, the stages in the Dune Sea are shockingly huge and offer a huge number of opportunities to fly around. While later stages can turn out to be challenging, the game offers a ‘Zen Mode’ that takes into uninterrupted play. This can be the ideal method to polish your flying capacities.
It is a fine engagement to assemble your group as you take off somewhere out there. On the off chance that you somehow encounter a flock of birds, you can honk so that they can join you. It is an amazing experience to see your lost flock fly through the skies with you, and it makes a solid feeling of movement as you take off with them on your journey.
You can pick up the bubbles floating in the air. These are flock birds. If you honk when picking up them, one of them will join you and accompany you till the end of the chapter. These flock birds are important to unlock the challenges in the game. Each challenge will require different numbers of birds.
There are two more characters in this game: Land Squid and Coyote. The land squid uses its tentacles to hunt. If you pass too close to it, it may attack you. You need to be careful when you are landing because a coyote will come to attack you if you spend too much time on the land. The coyote comes from behind and may try to chase you, too.
Challenges are marked by a circular flag here. Each one is locked here and will require a certain amount of flock birds to unlock. The required number will be shown above the flag here. Once it’s unlocked, you can pass it to activate.
Again, there will be a series of hoops that will be shown up. You have to pass all of the hoops in sequence to pass it. If you somehow miss this, you can fly back and try again. You cannot skip hoops. You need to activate one before it starts. The hoops only work in the forward direction. If you can activate the final hoop, it will switch or move to rock to clear a passage.
The landscapes and visuals are natural. The soundtracks were amazing. The scene becomes tense when the coyote chases, but it becomes peaceful when you are just flying in the sky. The soundtrack is accurate here. It is relaxing.
If you are looking for something peaceful and natural, just get this one. It will let you fly like a bird beneath the sky, soar the sky, and survive the elements to increase your stamina in the game.