Hiding in plain sight is no easy task. Will you be able to hide from The Matriarch among others?
We’ve all played hide and seek before. And we’ve hidden in a sea of others while completing tasks. But this time, The Matriarch is the only one the sisters need to watch out for. She is looking for sinners and those who are discovered shall be punished. Can you hide long enough to outlast the others? From developer Chewa, comes a title where there is only ever one person to fool.
A game for 2 to 8 players, the game mixes players amongst a number of bots. These bots are set to do very specific tasks and only those tasks. Every living player is an imposter and must do their best to hide among all of the bots. But this is easier said than done. Said bots will do everything The Matriarch asks without question. Will you, as a player, be able to keep up the deceit long enough to outlive everyone else?

If you are able to deceive The Matriarch long enough, it’ll allow you to dig through the underground toward the exit to freedom.
As the Mother Superior, you are able to dish out punishment to the serial sinners that plague your convent. Choose from such methods of torture and pain as a giant cross, a pyre, or even a pit of venomous snakes. How will you punish the sinners?
If you are interested in being an imposter or The Matriarch, the game is now available on Steam for $4.49.
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