Launching on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.
SadSquare Studio’s startling PT-enlivened first-individual mental awfulness Visage is, at last, leaving Steam early access – and getting it’s staying two parts – this Friday, 30th October, and it’s coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 around the same time.
Appearance has been bound to happen, having at first made sure about Kickstarter financing in 2016. It advanced toward Steam early access in 2018 where, in the middle of fairly baffling episodes of delayed radio quietness from SadSquare, it’s developed from a solitary part to two. However, despite just representing around a large portion of the last game, those two early access parts have been all that could be needed to build up Visage’s significant ghastliness certifications, sufficiently showing crafted by a designer with a genuine style for splendidly imagined chills.
The significance of the general experience is that each exploratory/puzzle-y section focuses on an alternate soul frequenting Visage’s incredibly acknowledged family home – the two scenes delivered so far each having a different feel – and following a nerve-racking basic arrangement that pulls no punches, SadSquare burns through no time dispatching a moderate consume mental attack painstakingly intended to jumble and alarm.
Section one, specifically, is a gauntlet of dread (although ghastliness being as abstract as it may be, your mileage may shift), in huge part because of a shrewdly built – and nerve-ruining delayed – focal point arrangement including, we should simply say for spoilers, a dull house, and an amazingly irregular manual light source. Visage’s influences might be familiar – you’ll find everything from lank-haired J-horror to House of Leaves-style impossible architecture as your adventure unfolds – but it’s all brilliantly reconfigured into something fresh, and the two currently available chapters suggest SadSquare has a handle on its chosen genre.
As such, Visage could be the perfect Halloween treat when its Version 1.0 release spooks up Steam, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 this Friday, 30th October. Launch day, incidentally, will see Visage’s Steam price increase from 24.99USD (around £20) to 34.99USD (around £27), so interested parties on PC might consider snapping it up now.