The newest Steam update has added a new button which is such a massive quality of life boon.
It’s been a well known gripe with many users of Steam over the past few years. Adding free games or dlc to your Steam library without installation. This is huge. There was a way of preventing installation in which you had to quit Steam and jump through all of these hoops, but this update completely deals with that.
Some may ask whether this feature is as important as some will make it out to be. In truth, yes, this simple quality of life improvement is just the kind of the thing that Steam needed to improve upon. So many times in free games with boatloads of free dlc have players accidentally opened a game resulting in a rig working out disk space for a download whilst simultaneously launching a game. This update adds the ‘Add To Library’ button, which will cut through any of the obtuse and overall bloated issues that would be caused from the instant request for installation.
Users of the service should be very happy, this change may something small, but it does show that Steam are listening (Even if it did take them a while.) Overall, this is an update which will undoubtedly save so many players so much time and will make the famous service just overall easier to use.
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