Tears in the fabric of the universe are no joke. As the Rift Sweepers, you’ll have to jump in and deal with many threats.
Fight as one of a handful of specialized agents. Travel through multiple dimensions meeting threats head-on. As the Rift Sweepers, it is one’s job to stop threats before they get to our universe. Equip a high-powered weapon as John the Rifleman, or take down enemies with surgical precision using Simon’s sniper rifle.
There is nothing ordinary about what you’ll experience on this twisted journey. It’s possible to ride a time-traveling train straight into the tomb of a long-dead sorcerer. Fight a magical goat wizard, take on hulking beasts, or fend off demonic clowns as you attempt to put the pieces of the multiverse back together. And if you are low on energy, do not worry. Those pizza boxes you see falling from the sky will be helpful in keeping your energy at a proper level.

Choose your character wisely, for it will determine your play style. John, the Rifleman, is able to move quicker than others, and can execute consecutive attacks. Our sniper, Simon, can fell the largest of beasts with one well-placed shot.
Rift Sweepers will release in Early Access to Steam on September 8th, 2022. During this stage, players will be treated to a third character, James, who will wield a devastating Gatling gun. There are also plans to add a fourth character with their own special skills. The full release is slated for March 2023.
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