The world will show us how it feels. In Return To Enen, you must learn to earn the respect of nature itself.
Many games agree on one thing about humanity’s future. It’s pretty bleak, to say the least. In Return to Enen, one must combat their own humanity. Despite being the apex predator of the Earth, it has only led to the near-extinction of the human race. Our only way to avoid certain doom for our species? That way was to once again learn to live with nature. This future forces one to take a hard look at how we treat our planet. And in what ways our treatment of mother Gaia might shape the future. Delve into an uncertain future from Head West and Freedom Games.
In Return To Enen, every human must undergro a rite of passage on the island of Enen. This will help them to remember how to live alongside nature instead of stomping it out and taking over the newly vacant space. Travel through towering redwood as you track your quarry, taking care to note their behavior patterns. Map out the important places on the island as you explore ensuring maximum survivability.
Additionally, it’s important to take breaks when one is attempting to commune with nature. Teaming up with mental health experts, developers have added a meditation mechanic. This allows the player character to take control of their anxiety and ease the tension they may feel. It may also offer players techniques they can use to relax while away from their PC.
Return To Enen is now available on Steam for a 20% discount at $19.99. When the sale ends August 8th, the price will return to $24.99.
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