With its bizarre revelation trailer, Capcom has announced Pragmata, a mysterious new IP that will arrive at PS5 in 2022.
Resident Evil 8 isn’t the only new game Capcom had to show up at the PS5 revelation event in Sony. The publisher has revealed a brand new IP called Pragmata in addition to the anticipated sequel of horror.
Pragmata is a total surprise since they have just tinkered with a mysterious mark since February. The viewers are welcome to experience the scene an astronaut is investigating in a high-tech room, which appears to suddenly be ripened from an abandoned area, the Death Stranding. Who this person is, doesn’t say the trailer, choosing instead to focus on meeting a little girl with a holographical cat, which is, it seems, the only other person in the city.
Then things get worse if the camera reveals a distorted, twisted-up building that is floating over the street amid other unmistakably distorted pieces of scenery. Before that picture can completely soak in, the sky starts to glitch out like a screen, and a satellite crashes directly through from somewhere past, making the space explorer and the young lady fly into the air one way or another winding up on the outside of the moon.
It leaves one wondering all sorts of questions like “Who’s the astronaut?”and “Are they actually inside the moon?” Capcom tries to develop a mystery feeling with its new IP, so much so that the trailer doesn’t even indicate what kind of Pragmata game it is. In this way, another game that was cryptically leaked before its launch suits Death Stranding.
It’ll probably be a while before Capcom responds because the game won’t be published until 2022. While this means that people who are looking for a clearer idea of what is happening might need to wait for some kind of answer for up to two years, at least they will be given time for theories.
Pragmata is gonna be available for PS5, anytime in 2024.