Settling a planet is no easy task. Will you have what it takes in Plan B: Terraform to settle a planet and make it thrive?
Who knows when humanity will get to proper planet settling tech. For now, though, with Plan B: Terraform, players can look into hypothetical/theoretical technology. Settle a planet and get it to where it can be a new home for our growing population. It sounds fairly easy in theory. But it’s far harder in practice. From Gaddy Games, comes a story based on a possible future. Whether we like it or not, we will most certainly need another idea when it comes to having another home.
As always, one of the most important parts of building is mining. One will have to extract minerals and transport them to respective settlements so they may grow. Build the proper infrastructure for transportation/harvesting and everything related should fall into place. In addition, ensuring the atmosphere is something humans can breathe is especially important. Recycle the element of the planet’s atmosphere using greenhouse gas factories. Manipulate the environment in a way that helps ensure the formation of lakes, rivers, and the new world’s oceans.

Plan B: Terraform’s playfield is on a planetary scale. Cosisting of over million hexagons, players will deal with many things such as planetary temperature changes, vegetation, and a dynamic rain and water cycle. The population that grows here can number in the thousands or even the millions. Their lives and future hinge on your choices. Are you prepared to handle planet wide responsibility?
The title will release to Steam Early Access in early 2023. Wishlist the title on Steam now to stay updated on new developments and any changes to release date.
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