7 PM has earned the SEA Game Awards 2020 Grand Jury Award for Best Game Design and Best Visual Art, and for good reason.
7 PM is a playable short story game made by Cellar Vault Games. Its unique animation features paper characters, which, along with the sound effects, create an eerie atmosphere. The paper characters were inspired by Southeast Asian paper puppetry.
There are three kids at 7 PM, and they are based in Southeast Asia. These kids meet a new neighbor, and they start to notice how haunted their neighborhood might be. Players can uncover dark secrets and take on different perspectives.
Throughout the game, many decisions must be made. Players must play through various times while making different choices to get the full story. They must also talk with other residents and complete a variety of minigame challenges. The characters start to become frightened and confused as the nightmarish visions keep appearing.
7 PM is a mini-game that will introduce players to what is coming with Paper Ghost Stories as they plan to launch an entire universe called Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open. This will be the first full-sized game in the series and is projected to launch sometime next year.
The game is authentic to Malaysian culture with inspired artwork and sound effects. The soundscapes have been recorded on location. 7 PM has earned the SEA Game Awards 2020 Grand Jury Award, Best Game Design, and Best Visual Art, all for good reason.
It is now available worldwide. Find more information and look at example videos here. Read more about Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open here. 7 PM is already available on Steam, and it seems like they may release Third Eye Open next year there as well.
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