Blizzard didn’t delay at all with disabling Sigma from the competitive modes in Overwatch 2, as Sigma’s Ultimate is giving players an unfair advantage.
Due to a game-breaking bug, Overwatch 2 has temporarily disabled Sigma from the competitive modes as the Bug affects Sigma’s Ultimate Ability and could give players an unfair field advantage taking the joy of the game from other players. Bugs and glitches in recent months have been evident in Overwatch 2 since the release of Overwatch 2 in October 2022. Players have frustratingly voiced their issues with the bugs in the game that, when exploited, could give players unfair advantages in matches. This, in turn, can ruin hard-earned ranks in competitive game modes for those players who don’t exploit the bugs.
The bug plaguing Sigma’s Ultimate Ability in the prior Overwatch 2 patch gave players if done right before Sigma was pulled for fixes, an automatically cast Ultimate once fully charged. However, if Sigma is looking at a surface he usually couldn’t activate his ability on or a skybox, he will be stuck in his ultimate animation, staying in the air. The Ultimate animation would stay active as long as you only use your primary fire and don’t get killed by enemy players, although you would have to have burned through two ability charges to get this result.
Sigma is not the only hero that was plagued by bugs. Prior fixes for Mei’s issues with her ice wall being found and others that were pulled temporarily for ability fixes were Torbjorn and Bastion. However, after being brought back, they did not pose any problems after their patches. Even though Overwatch 2 has bugs in it, the game is still well looked after as the game receives regular updates and regular responses to issues.
Overwatch 2 Game Director, Aaron Keller, announced the temporary removal of Sigma in competitive modes via his Twitter page, stating that Blizzard will get an update out as soon as possible. After the post was made, a Community Manager expanded on the problem on the Official Forums, giving players suggestions as to play Sigma in Unranked and Arcade modes.

Overwatch 2’s Sigma is a tank-type hero whose call to fame would be his power to control gravity in certain ways to aid him in defensive combat, as his role is that of a tank. His primary role in Overwatch 2 would be to negate damage with a small burst of well-timed shots, from being able to launch barriers to any location to temporarily block damage. Firing Gravity orbs off surfaces and walls for strategic bounce dynamic takedowns to freezing incoming bullets to convert them into extra health.
With Sigma’s Ultimate, he is launched into the air. While in the air, the player is given a highlighted targeting area of effect circle in which if any enemy is caught, they are pulled into the air with Sigma keeping them in place for the player’s team to rail on them with bullets. Once the Ability comes to an end, if there are any survivors left in the air, Sigma will end his Ultimate by smashing enemy heroes to the ground.
Blizzard keeps things fresh with regular gameplay changes and new content with big updates keeping the fanbase invested and itching for more, although even with regular updates, bugs still surface, keeping the developers ever busy and the players somewhat frustrated as some of these bugs have caused major issues for some players. An example of a bug that had caused issues was in one of the maps; this bug, in particular, would outright kill players as they left the spawn point to join their allies in battle.
Although bugs in games are inevitable, with active and regular fixes from Blizzard, Overwatch 2’s Sigma will hopefully soon be useable in competitive modes, and any other bugs found in the meantime will be fixed as Blizzard discovers them via the player base or in-house upkeep.