An Overwatch 2 developer confirms changes for Mauga and Orissa are on the way.
Overwatch 2 is a game most know and appreciate, even with its ups and downs through bugs and glitches found by players and the community. In a recent Twitter post by the lead hero designer for Overwatch 2, Alec Dawson, he confirmed that more changes would be coming to Mauga and Orissa.
Overwatch 2 is continuously receiving updates its heroes and adjustments to their power levels as to keep the meta as balanced as possible, however, it’s not an uncommon occurrence for characters to become broken and a pain to play against for other players.
With Orisa having received a rework for Overwatch 2, she had become a lethal overpowered weapon due to her high survivability and crowd control aspect. Over time, she has been Nerfed due to these broken skills, joining the heroes late last year in Overwatch 2 was the hero, Mauga, whose playstyle mostly consists of a more aggressive approach to the battlefield.

It didn’t take long for the hero to also get pulled into similar topics regarding being broken for his life-steal, damaging power, and his ultimate. Mauga and Orisa are considered in the gaming community as good picks for Overwatch 2 by players wanting to advance and master the tank roles which would also include Reinhardt, Sigma and so many more but it all depends on your playstyle.
Alec Dawson, lead hero developer for Overwatch 2 confirmed in a recent Twitter post, that many changes were to come to the two heroes. Dawson went on to say in his post that the development team’s thoughts on the subject, name the heroes, is to transfer more of Muaga’s power towards aggression.
As for Orisa, the devs for the game had revealed that she was due for a look-over “in terms of where the power budget” is allocated, the Numbani protector has already begun to receive changes in this regard, along with the removal of falloff damage in the most recent patch. Mauga was Overwatch 2’s biggest debate in season 8 and got some next-level nerfs to his firepower in combat.
It looks like Overwatch 2 season 9 is shaping up to be a standout for both the unannounced changes and the confirmed ones, the only thing left for fans to do will be to wait with bated breath and hope for a balanced outcome.