Make the game even more fun. In Oddballers, one can challenge friends and loved ones in a battle called Dodgeball.
Dodgeball itself is already a crazy game. But, as humans, we cannot help but make things more difficult on ourselves. Safely in 3D space, Oddballers allows humans the luxury of playing the intense game like never before. For four players (and six on Nintendo Switch), players will play a crazy game. Cars are a danger, and one must keep a lookout for flying chickens used as projectiles.
Play various games inspired by the chaotic game known as Dodgeball. Whether you want to face off 1v1 against a friend who brags too much, or you’d like to have a 4 person last man standing match, the title has got you covered. Any of your opponent getting to close to your own goal? Slap em out of the running with a nice, freshly caught fish, or send an angry chicken hurdling their direction.

Don’t forget to style yourself with the luxury that Oddballers has to offer. Make your player character as unique as your play style. Stand out among your group of friends in smashing style. And it isn’t just the game’s default match option gamers are restricted to. If games aren’t feeling long enough, or there’s not enough to do, add additional objectives and adjust the match length to everyone’s liking.
Oddballers will be available on January 26th, 2023 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Ubisoft Connect PC, Epic and Luna, and available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S via compatibility mode.
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