It’s been confirmed that the new Battlefield will arrive this year – or next. Here are some details.
Battlefield has finally been announced, and it’s gotten the gaming world into a frenzy. Yes, you read that correctly. We are getting the next game a lot sooner than we think. We can now look past Battlefield 2042 and look into the new toy that’s coming through. In case you’ve been living under a rock, EA has announced the new Battlefield game on their socials. But wait, that’s not all. They’ve also gone and sweetened the deal by giving us some Pre-Alpha footage of the game.
If you go on Battlefield’s official YouTube channel, you’ll come across a 5-minute video called ‘Introducing Battlefield Labs | Battlefield Studios.’ It also gives us a more in-depth overview of what we’ll be getting in the new game, especially the multiplayer aspects. This includes the brand new destruction systems that make collisions a lot more realistic than ever before. As well as class play, squad play, and much more.
At the end of the video, you’ll see a 10-second clip of the Pre-Alpha version, and it looks exciting. However, it’s still not certain if the new title will arrive this year or next. But what is somewhat confirmed is that the testing may go live in the coming weeks, so you’ll have to look out for it.
Also, you’ll need to sign up to be able to get involved with the test, and you must do it soon as availability is very limited. That’s if those spots haven’t been taken already. To be able to do so, you’ll have to go to their official website to sign up. It’s said that the first test may be only available in the North American and European regions. And the following will expand possibly in the later weeks or months after. It’s not completely certain, so we’ll just have to wait and see. Let’s just hope it doesn’t end up like Battlefield V, right?