You’ve never experienced space like this. Meteora gives people a rare opportunity.
Space can be a wondrous and beautiful place. The objects in it can be pretty amazing as well. Meteora, from Big Boot Games, gives people the almost impossible to get perspective of a meteor. Drawing inspiration from classic space-themed cinema, the player takes on the role of an astral body in an immature universe. While “life” as we know it does not exist in these early stages, the building blocks of life do. And you, as the main ‘character’ of this story, play an important role in the beginning of all things.
Meteora isn’t a simple cinematic experience either. Players take on the role of a meteor as it hurdles through space. Dodge other astral bodies that endanger your journey, and take out others than hinder your journey. Race through the stars and destroy any other meteors that ‘stand’ in the way.
In addition to flying as a meteor, Meteora gives players the option to upgrade themselves. Create a massive shower of meteors, both exponentially increasing your survival chances and your ability to destroy other objects without effort. Power-ups will also litter the cosmos, allowing players to upgrade their meteor in real time. Take care to pick up the right elements at the right time to increase your survival chances.

While it’s taken Meteora a while to get off the ground, Big Boot Games has enlisted the help of a third party. Development is now back on track. Wishlist the title on Steam to be informed as soon as the game is released.
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