As his debut inches closer and closer Overwatch 2 will be having a special Mauga in-game event.
He’s big, he’s broad, he’s beautiful and he’s coming in Season 8 of Overwatch 2. Mauga will be debuting on 5 December 2023, where players will also be treated to a special in-game event centered around the game’s newest character. The “Catching Up with Mauga” event will give players a chance to earn both appealing rewards and will also serve as a chance to celebrate the addition of this big beautiful man.
He was first revealed at BlizzCon 2023 and is the game’s new Tank hero, hailing from Samoa, his name translates to mountains and boy, oh boy does he live up to that. Mauga is decked out with two chainguns that do both incendiary and precision damage, laying waste to most opponents and providing battlefield versatility. And to make matters worse his ultimate “Cage Fight” gives him a close-quarters advantage. This all means that Samoan mountain will certainly pack a deadly punch.

As the release date for the mountainous Mauga edges closer and closer, Overwatch 2 has decided to introduce a brand new Mauga-based event, which has been called “Catching Up with Mauga. This event will run from 21 November to 28 November 2023. During this event players will be able to participate in various challenges to earn rewards by simply playing the game. Players have the chance to accumulate up 37,500 Battle Pass XP during this event.
The challenges that players will encounter go as follows:
- Like Old Times
- Complete 8 games, Wins Double Progress
- Rewards 7500 Battle Pass XP
- A Happy Reunion
- Complete 16 games. Wins grant double progress
- Rewards 7500 Battle Pass XP
- Making Plans
- Complete 24 games. Wins grant double progress
- Rewards 7500 Battle Pass XP
- Old Buddies
- Complete 32 games. Wins grant double progress
- Rewards 15000 Battle Pass XP
This event will certainly provide players with an exciting challenge, but it also gives an equally exciting reward. Mauga is definitely a welcome addition to Overwatch 2, and many fans have been demanding his addition to the game since he made an appearance in Baptise’s backstory comic.