Monsters now rule the world. But they’ve had it for long enough. In Mandragora, you are tasked with taking it back.
The world no longer belongs to humanity. Individuals in positions of power surrendered the world without the layman’s knowledge. Mandragora, a 2.5D Soulslike, sees the player tasked with slashing through the horde. But with punishment dealt out as much as a reward, will the hero find saving the world worth the trouble?
Your journey will begin in the settlement of Crimson City, where citizens live in blissful ignorance of the world’s events. Explore dark forests, foreboding swamps, the searing sand of deserts, and other environments where danger lies around every corner. While it may seem daunting, one might acquire the Witch Lantern if they are lucky. This will allow them entry into the Entropy realm. The Lantern will guide the hero through the tears of reality they encounter.

Even when you think the fight is over, the game will offer multiple levels of New Game+. Master Mandragora’s various classes and see what move set works best for your play style.
The title’s Kickstarter campaign went live today. So far, they have reached a little over $13k of their $110k goal. Contribute now and gain limited rewards offered by the developers. According to the campaign, the estimated delivery of the title is set for December 2023.
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