Magic, when used properly can work wonders. But, in Lone Ruin, even proper use wasn’t enough to avoid disaster.
Humanity has never been good at leaving ruins in peace. But, what if there is a time where disturbing the past becomes necessary? Discover the Lone Ruin, a place where magic courses through the very stones buried beneath the Earth. Fight the darkness that has overtaken a once thriving bastion for humanity, and discover ancient magics.
The power that once fueled the former settlement has become corrupted. It is your job to cleanse this place. But such a task requires resources and time to complete. Enter, you, the gifted spell caster, drawn here by tales of ancient power. Take on hellish hordes as you attempt to make it to the center of the Lone Ruin. As you tear through them, steel your nerves and prepare for the inevitable boss battles that await you.
Worried about how you’ll fare against an set type of enemy? Adapt spells to your liking, customizing your power set with the right upgrades. Choose the right combination for your play style and watch the enemies drop one after the other.
Lone Ruin will hit Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on January 12, 2023.
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