As administrator of the station, it is your job in Ixion to ensure humanity continues to flourish.
Earth is now nothing more than a distant memory. Yet humanity continues to persist. In Ixion, from Bulwark Studios, comes a city management sim that reaches the stars and beyond. DOLOS is the company that commissioned the station. Manage humanity’s needs as the administrator of the Tiqqun Station. You may hold immense power, but if things go wrong, you will hold substantial blame.
Prioritize resources over hull integrity. Or decide what section of the base needs more power than others. No matter what the administrator chooses, it seems other things will take less precedence. And with precious few resources to begin with, rebuilding what was left of the Earth is no small task. Additionally, resources and new technologies can only be discovered through exploration.
Many cryo pods also drift in space. One of the biggest decisions any administrator will make is this: are there enough resources to sustain an additional mouth to feed? Even if that is possible, does the station possess enough power to hold the cryo pod before it’s cracked open?

Evidence in scraps and resources suggests that DOLOS wasn’t the only group to escape the Earth. But what are their motivations? And is humanity’s future at the forefront of their minds? Above all else, are you willing to do what it takes to ensure a future, no matter the moral cost?
Ixion will release on November 16th to Steam and other digital platforms. Those specific ones will be announced at a later date.
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