Sony’s exclusive porting project continues with their classic hack-and-slash action game Ghost of Tsushima.
In the past few years, we have seen the efforts of Sony bringing their beloved games over the PC platform. Although this causes some ruckus among the die-hard fans, the receiving people- being PC players- have not been complaining about the overwhelming port of PlayStation exclusives. Titles like Marvel’s Spider-Man and God of War recently found their way to Steam and thanks to the port, they were able to reach wider audiences. And seems like the next game is on the horizon.
Ghost of Tsushima came out for only PlayStation 4 back in 2020 and is now being ported over to PC. Its page suddenly appeared on the Steam Store with the name “Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT” and caught the attention of people right away. The reaction, as you could guess, was the same. Some people bombarded the community page, criticizing Sony for letting down the fans and not keeping the title exclusive to PlayStation only. This begs the question of whether the games really in demand are coming soon as well.

Ghost of Tsushima is a mix of open-world, action, and hack-and-slash genres with souls-like elements and a medieval Japan theme. It was regarded as one of the best titles of the year and had favorable reviews. From Sony’s standpoint, releasing Ghost of Tsushima will certainly add another millions of sales, since the game gathered more than 10 million copies sold last year. The announcement was posted on Sony’s official Twitter account and the release date was set right away.
The title is expected to arrive on the 16th of May this year, making it a rather short wait for the fans. This whole porting still begs the question of Bloodborne also making an appearance on the PC platform. Since its release on PS4, Bloodborne has stayed as PlayStation exclusive and it is one of the games where people are extremely in demand of being ported over to the PC platform. Who knows, now that Ghost of Tsushima, a similar sort of game, was confirmed to be ported over, maybe it’s Bloodborne next. Let’s hope that Sony is still thinking about it.