Gears 5 has a new title update. And this new update title will go live on October 12 at 4 am PT. From this update, we will get to know more about the Versus options. And the preparation for the game for next-gen consoles like Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.
- Fixed an issue in FFA where the Gnasher was set in the incorrect slot.
- Fixed an issue where users may experience a Connection Timed Out error when joining in progress.
- Fixed an issue where the player character does not properly attach to the turret on the Map abyss when mounting it the first time.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where Users were starting a match in spectator mode.
- Fixed an issue in Horde where the player was no longer able to take cover after button input.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where the player was seeing pellet decals on their opponent when their shot has been dusted.
- Fixed an issue in Guardian where if a player leaves before the round ends, the team with the missing player will not receive a leader the following round.
- Fixed an issue with achievement ‘I’m Rubber, You’re Glue!’ where kills completed with bleeding from the Reflect Shredder skill card do not add progress to achievement.
- Fixed a scoring issue where eliminating a downed enemy is counted as an execution.
- Fixed an issue in Ranked where the opposing team player names that were hidden in the lobby were visible in the social panel.
- Fixed a UI issue where the rejoin tile is missing art assets in Versus.
- Fixed an issue on Checkout where Juvies get stuck on top of shelves in the center of the map during a Horde match.
- Fixed an issue in Escape – The Gatekeepers where the Matriarch charges into an invisible wall in the second act.
- Fixed an issue on Allfathers Arena where the Embar and the Boomshot spawn at the beginning of the match in FFA.
- Fixed an audio issue where if the user is DBNO’d while performing a Trishot execution, the Sound will persist until killed.
- Fixed an issue where the end-of-round animation in Versus does not have a unique audio stinger.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the Kestral does not despawn after the crash sequence for client players.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the ‘Jack AI – Cloak- Faster Recharge’ recharge time of effect is the same after upgrade.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the ‘Jack AI – Stim – Faster Recharge’ recharge time of effect is the same after upgrade.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the ‘Jack AI – Stim – Duration’ duration of effect is the same after the upgrade.
- Fixed an issue where users will crash OOM when accessing City POI Encounter when playing through Certain Overworld Paths in 2P Splitscreen.
- Fixed an issue in Act 2 Chapter 1 of the Campaign where the player can control character during Intro Cinematic and then spawns in Broken map.
- Fixed an issue in the Campaign where the Screen has a permanent red tint in the beginning of Act 2 Chapter 2 Into The Wild after Checkpoint Load.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the game may crash when playing through ACT III and entering/leaving City POI.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where Gears 5 on Xbox One crashes OOM in Satellite during a full playthrough.
- Fixed an issue where Samantha Byrne’s character model experienced clipping issues in Expressions.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the cinematic displayed a split-screen of skybox instead of cinematic when continuing from Facility playthrough.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where enemy physics stretch and fly across the playing field in Act 2.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where upon death during a desert storm in act 3, Drones body distorts and stretches out.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign in ACT 2 – Chapter 4: The Source of it All where enemy meshes stretch out when killed in front of the cave to the east comm tower.
- Fixed a localization issue where the Gears 5 and Gears 2 curb stomp execution isn’t translated for the Boltok and Talon.
- Fixed a localization issue in Free for All where the 14-player game mode isn’t translated into any language other than English.
- Fixed a localization issue in Quickplay Free for All the 8 players tile wasn’t translated.
- Fixed a localization issue where the Breaker execution chopping block wasn’t translated into any language other than English.
- Fixed a localization issue where the Pizza and Cosmic set weren’t translated in the store.
- Fixed a localization issue so the UI language is no longer truncated.
- Fixed a localization issue where text was being displayed vertically.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where the game was unplayable after resuming from a Suspended state.
- Fixed an issue where users were able to enable DEV mode in retail by changing select files on their local disk.
- Fixed a crash issue on the Xbox One when removing a split-screen user from the squad.
- Fixed an issue in the campaign Co-op Split Screen where P2 is controlling P1’s input in the Menus and in the Game.
- Fixed an issue in Steam where the user is unable to sign out of account from the Social Panel on Steam.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where creating a new game on a previously used save slot will not clear the previous data.
- Fixed an issue in Campaign where selecting a previous save slot in a custom lobby will always result in a normal campaign lobby in Act 1 Chapter 1.
- Fixed an issue where the store often hitches when scrolling between tabs.
- Fixed a UI issue in Escape where users that are DBNO aren’t shown as a “Down Arrow” icon on the overhead map or minimap.
- Fixed a UI issue where Skill card crafting continues to upgrade after the user lets go of the upgrade button in the Horde/Escape setup screen.
- Fixed a UI issue in Campaign where if the Player picks up a weapon or ammo and then reloads checkpoint while the pickup is still displayed in the left corner, the message persists until they pick up the same ammo type.
These were uploaded in Gears 5 official site.