Numerous computer game organizations have been utilizing recent developments in regard to George Floyd and police mercilessness to help developments like Black Lives Matter. From Call of Duty to GTA Online, sprinkle screens and suggestions to take action have been springing up on numerous defining moments.
It appears that Epic Games has taken comparable steps with its hit title Fortnite yet is going about it in a significantly more unpretentious way. On the off chance that you drop into a round of Fortnite now, you’ll notice that there are no cop vehicles anyplace on the map. These cop vehicles used to litter the map, however, are currently totally missing. The evacuation comes simultaneously as a colossal map update during Season 3 (Chapter 2) of the game, where a great part of the map is presently submerged underwater.
On the off chance that you head over to the Creative Mode of Fortnite, cop vehicles have additionally been evacuated, indicating this is something other than an incident. As indicated by a source from the Wall Street Journal, the organization isn’t attempting to offer a political expression with the change, yet rather needs to be “touchy about the issues” its players are managing.
With the ebb and flow map in Fortnite, land vehicles don’t assume a tremendous job, yet as the water subsides, it has been indicated that land vehicles will assume a greater job once more. It’s conceivable that if cop vehicles were intended to be driven later in the season, Epic wouldn’t need players driving and shooting from cop vehicles.