Epic Games is getting ready to take Fortnite back to its roots.
There is no doubt that Fortnite has come a long way. From hosting major tournaments to having major labels sign deals to having virtual concerts, it has pretty much everything. Thanks to its easily reachable nature, Fortnite also includes a lot of cameos from other franchises and even has some playable characters from other media too. Despite all of the fame, Epic Games is planning to take a look at the past of Fortnite by taking players back to the first ever months of the game.
Fortnite’s Chapter One, the 2017 build, has everything barebones. Back then Fortnite was known as the side game of the main game, which was mostly PvE-focused rather than being a battle royale game. No skins, no flashy additions and we are expecting Epic Games to change everything to what it used to be. Information about the throwback even came as an announcement on the official Twitter account, showing the original school bus and the starting date of the event.

No further information about the event is known, however. Epic has not talked about the event in detail, but the start date was revealed to be the 3rd of November, after the Halloween event. In the game, there are certain time portals started appearing, which is going to be tied to the Chapter One event, of course. We could say that Epic Games is slowly setting the universe on a trip down memory lane by the looks of it.
Currently, Fortnite is having its 4th Season with Chapter Four and “Fortnitemares” event being active in the background. Since it is Halloween, Epic Games added a few characters from the cult horror media such as Alan Wake and Mike Myers as playable characters with spooky-themed maps. Do not forget to check out the Chapter One throwback event if you want to remember the old and simple days of the massively popular title.