A bug in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth prevents players from getting all the trophies without a physical copy.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an iconic game beloved by many fans, having been released as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, the game launched with overwhelmingly positive reviews from both fans of the series and critics. However, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth seems to have a bug that seemingly prevents players from obtaining the platinum trophy for the game on the current patch, which forces players to inevitably revert to a previous update. Although it’s not possible to revert the game to a previous build for the digital versions of the game, players with the disc can still fix the issue.
For trophy hunters, this bug is a bit of a pain, after being spotted by Kotaku, the bug effects the side quest titled “Can’t stop, Won’t Stop.” Since the latest patch was released, the game has unfortunately been calculating player’s scores incorrectly, making it impossible to get the necessary amount of points players need to beat the mission, leaving trophy hunters disappointed as they leave a portion of the game incomplete.

This bug locks players out from getting every trophy available in the game, which inevitably stops players from reaching the much sought-after platinum trophy. Having spotted the bug, the Kotaku writer has also shared with players a way to fix the bug if players have a physical copy of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Players can fix the bug by uninstalling the digital version of the game and reinstalling it via the disc while having disconnected the PlayStation 5 from the internet, doing so will have players playing on the launch day build of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, making it possible to beat the mission.
However, this fix will only work for those with a physical copy, any player that bought the game digitally would have to wait for Square Enix to release another patch, or the release of a hotfix that just targets and addresses the bug. Unsurprisingly, forums show players warning each other not to install the latest patch, which makes this an already widespread issue for players.