An ‘Untitled Goose Game’ costume honk honk honk honk.
Fall Guys is getting significantly more charming with its most recent outfit, the goose from Untitled Goose Game. The new suit goes live on Friday, November thirteenth, yet engineers at Fall Guys studio Mediatonic indicated it off on Twitch today.
Eminently, the four developers were likewise dressed as geese. Today is the dispatch of Fall Guys season 2.5, which adds the new Big Fans level (one supposition concerning what that involves), remixed adjusts, and a perilous, haphazardly showing up hammer named Lil Yeety. Fall Guys season 2 went live on October 8, and only a couple of days after the fact Mediatonic uncovered a Sonic the Hedgehog skin for the game.
Oh, and the Mediatonic team was wearing homemade goose costumes during their Fall Guys stream, in case you were perplexed by the screenshot above. Sadly, the Untitled Goose Game costume does not appear to give players the ability to obnoxiously repeatedly honk in Fall Guys; all I heard were the traditional coos of a bumbling Fall Guys bean during Mediatonic’s stream.
Developers additionally dressed likewise for that declaration live stream, yet the outcome was marginally more bad dream initiating than the goose ensembles. Marginally.