Exit the Gungeon is receiving a massive update that gives it plenty of new guns and items, and a new mode just for Enter the Gungeon fans.
Enter the Gungeon is one of the past age’s best roguelike games. Exit the Gungeon is a daring shot hellfire prison crawler side project of Enter the Gungeon, with similar slug-molded foes and over-the-top foe plans. Notwithstanding that, Exit the Gungeon consistently appeared to sit in the shadow of Enter the Gungeon regardless of its quality of ongoing interaction.
Dodge Roll is planning to work off that potential with another gigantic update for Exit the Gungeon named Hello to Arms. Hi to Arms adds of new substance to Exit the Gungeon. The greatest expansion, nonetheless, must be Arsenal Mode.
In this mode, which can be flipped here and there, players will have the option to get quite a few restricted ammo weapons either as plunder or from stores in a significantly more Enter the Gungeon-like insight. Since there are so numerous hybrid players from the first game, Dodge Role is attempting to more readily engage that crowd. The second significant expansion in Hello to Arms is the extension of shops. Bello’s shop is greater than at any time in recent memory and would now be able to be discovered twice per Exit the Gungeon floor.
Bello’s utilized to be discovered simply after the last manager of a level, yet can now additionally be discovered mid-floor, as well. Avoid Roll says the objective with this is to build Exit the Gungeon order, just as offer new hotspots for weapon drops especially in Arsenal Mode. There’s a bounty more substance to be found in Hello to Arms past those two significant changes, however. The new Glocktopus discretionary manager can be found in the Gungeon, as can the new NPC Ledge Goblin. Furthermore, obviously, there are a decent number of new firearms and things to find in-game, as well. It’s an incredible occasion to return to Exit the Gungeon or look at it unexpectedly.
Exit the Gungeon is available now on PC, Switch, and iOS devices via Apple Arcade.