A future is never a certain thing. And in Eastward, ensuring humanity has one is paramount.
No one knows what the future holds. And with many things tipping us towards the brink of collapse, a hero must arise. Eastward puts players in the dual role of John, a miner, and Sam, a girl with a very mysterious past. As a deadly miasmia spreads throughout the land, humanity’s end is always inches away. But will the pair be able to stop the source of this mysterious deadly toxin?
Connected by a railway, there are many bustling settlements for the would-be adventurers to explore. Explore what each location has to offer. See what information you can acquire and how it can help the pair achieve their ultimate goal. Depending on the situation, John and Sam may have to encounter a few aggressive creatures. But how the miner dispatches these creatures is up to him. Flamethrowers are great for when one is dealing with a horde. But, if you want to keep them at a distance, a cog shooter can help. And if you’d rather just knock them out, there’s always a trusty cast-iron frying pan.
John and Sam will have to work together in Eastward to solve mysterious puzzles along the way. Switch between the two, giving each an opportunity to solve puzzles only their abilities can help with. Additionally, the title allows for John and Sam to cook up delicacies to deliver anything from health bonuses, power boost, or secrets buffs yet to be discovered.

Eastward is now available on Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass. The title is also available for Nintendo Switch.
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