With 7 years under their belt, Dead by Daylight is making waves with its first Sci-fi chapter and many more surprises in its Anniversary Stream.
Last week Behavior held their Anniversary Stream for Dead by Daylight as the game entered its 8th year of life. The stream was actually pushed forward due to the leaks that seemed to be pouring from the studio as the past few weeks. With what the creative directors had to reveal it is no surprise they wanted to make sure they were the ones to unveil what the future of the Dead by Daylight has in store.
From the very get go it was clear this year has a LOT in store with new games, a new paragraph, a new chapter, and the road map for what is happening throughout the 8th year of Dead by Daylight.
Supermassive, the developers behind Until Dawn, The Quarry and The Dark Pictures Anthology are taking on a “powerful life-or-death” choices based experience. Dead by Daylight will become the backdrop for a narrative experience. With Supermassive’s record recently, there is no doubt in my mind that this will be an incredible horror experience with plenty of intense moments.
The second of the two games will be a PVE game by Midwinter Entertainment. The narrative will allow for a team of 4 to “tackle themes of greed and lust for power, with teams of up to 4 players”. The game is said to take place in a “strange new corner of the Entity’s Realm”. Neither game has been given a release window or title.

In the past few weeks, it was revealed that Nicolas Cage would be joining the cast of survivors with his character model being added to the game. In the Anniversary stream it was announced that Cage would voice his own character fully, stating that no sound alike would be able to mimic his voice for the grunts and breathing in the game. More information will be released about the chapter by Behaviour on July 5th.
Dead by Daylight is also moving its way into the sci-fi genre. The first non-horror chapter is End Transmission, a chapter that plans to “push the fear of the unknown to new heights” according to the Creative Director of Dead by Daylight. The map will be Toba Landing with The Singularity taking on the role of the killer and Gabriel Soma, a technician on a remote planet, as the survivor. The Singularity is a “monstrous amalgamation of reconstructed organic matter and machine parts seeking to become the perfect lifeform”. End Transmission is due to join the roster of Dead by Daylight’s DLCs on the 13th of June.
The final part of the stream was the Year 8 road map. This detailed some of the planned improvements in the future of the game. These improvements include map balancing, new anti-camping measures, a rework of some meta perks, player cards, a loadout search bar, and survivor disconnect bots to help keep the game going. Many of these improvements are ones that have been wanted by the community for a long time, and were met with much excitement.
It was also revealed that this year will have 4 new chapters and 2 survivor only paragraphs. These include the ones outlined already in the stream. There will also be multiple new Tomes throughout the year, padding out the story of the many Dead by Daylight characters.
The stream was also a celebration of everything that has been achieved over the past 7 years of Dead by Daylight. The game is one of the longest running live service games and is the most prevalent in the horror genre. Like many others, I look forward to seeing what the game has to come in the future.