Nvidia’s RTX 30 series, referenced a portion of the difficulties made by next-gen games as a result of their expanding size and intricacy. At the point when the subject of 200GB games came up, it was joined by a Cyberpunk 2077 screen capture, which quickly lighted the theory about the RPG’s HDD impression.
The game won’t take up 200GB when installed. You can expect the required HDD space to be on par with other modern titles.”
Cd Projekt Red people group leader Marcin Momot stepped in to mollify fears that it would be as large as Modern Warfare, fortunately, however, he didn’t affirm how much space it’s really going to take up. System prerequisites are coming soon, nonetheless, it won’t take 200GB of space.
But it could take space between 30GB to 199GB. As we know, most big-budget games always take up space between 60GB to 100GB. Just like The Witcher which was about 35GB but it was a good one.