Thanks to an upcoming change, you do not have to strictly run healer classes in Overwatch 2 anymore.
For a solid team composition in class-based games, you must have a healer that backs every other player. Healers distribute heals, revive dead players, or provide buff in some sort of capacity to not let their team die. We all already know how important support classes can be, but what if we were to just disregard healers and let DPS and tanks heal themselves?
Unfortunately, this is what the recent change Overwatch 2 team had in mind. In the upcoming Season 9 update, every class will have a self-healing item from now on, of course, this will lead to a change of rules when it comes to the class meta. Healer classes, which are considered as important but have very tiny damage output, can now be just disregarded as every class has its own type of self-healing mechanic. This change basically makes classes like Mercy and Ana to become rather redundant.
Although the Overwatch 2 team likes to experiment with the class balances, they have been known for adding very questionable changes that just do not let the competitive team have their own way of building class compositions in a serious, ranked match. In the most recent update, a new tank has been added to the game by the name of Mauga. Without proper balance tests or consideration of other existing classes, Overwatch 2 players have been bragging about how powerful the class is and there is no reason to run other tank classes like Reindhart whatsoever.

It is very, very important to get the idea behind the class-based shooter, which is to give a fitting role or a weapon to existing classes in the game. But seems like Overwatch 2’s balance team really likes to mess up the meta ever so often, unfortunately, it leads to lots of dissatisfaction by the serious and casual players as the game never finds a quiet time to settle down its basics. For a novice or a newcomer, Overwatch 2 can be hard to get used to just because of the factors of newly added heroes and their imbalanced outcomes in a match.
Take Team Fortress 2, usually considered as a rival game, for example. Some classes can have self-healing or team-healing items in their arsenals as unlocks, but these never surpass an actual Medic’s healing rate and invulnerability mechanic. Considering people have bombed Overwatch 2’s Steam page with negative reviews, this action does not only cover how people have hate towards Overwatch 2 and its presence in the hero-based shooter market, it also has to do with how unbalanced it is, and removing the need of a healer class further proves that.