The Gunk, a game about vacuuming up a weird corruptive substance on an alien planet, has been announced by Form Games and SteamWorld series creator Image.
An event that featured new trailers for titles like As Dusk Falls, Halo Infinite, and the new Obsidian Entertainment RPG Avowed, The Gunk was one of the surprise game announcements at the Xbox Game Showcase. SteamWorld series developers Image & Form Games revealed the new game The Gunk at the Xbox Game Showcase.
The Gunk is a game about hovering up a messy, alien substance with something that looks a lot like a vacuum cleaner. Image & Form games are taking a surprising move away from SteamWorld with The Gunk. The Gunk follows two professional friends and scavengers who head to a new planet, aiming to make money for themselves. They find a parasite gunk once they arrive. It seems to corrupt all of the wildlife it touches.
The friends try to save the planet by fighting monsters and destroying the Gunk. The game’s art style has quickly been compared to Journey to the Savage Planet, another game trying to make money on a strange alien world. The Gunk seems tonally and literally to be much darker than that game. But the two games do give off the same awkward vibes and it will be fun to see how fans of Journey to the Savage Planet could also fall in love with this.
Publisher Thunderful Publishing says that the game will be released in September 2021. Those who buy the game on PC will be able to get a free copy on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass. The Gunk will be released in September 2021 on Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC.