Every gamer loves attention to detail when it comes to a title. But the level of Celestial Empire’s detail is absolutely insane.
Ancient China is filled with tons of stories and legends. Some might have been as elegant as their attire. In Celestial Empire, players will be treated to detail yet to be seen in other titles. With the geometry system being used, ever little line of every roof will be seen in fantastic quality. The Han and Tang dynasties will be revived in amazing quality. From the minds of President Studio, comes one of the most visually stunning PC titles to date.
When it comes to this title, the changing seasons are an integral part of running a city. Summer is a wonderful time to plan out crop growth, produce a proper yield for the populous, and maintain a stock for winter. Just ensure that everything is in order or your whole city may suffer for it.
Additionally, there may even be natural disasters that affect’s a city manager’s ability. There’s no telling the damage a flood might do. And with locusts and constant threat to crop viability, high yields to prep for disaster are extremely important. If that’s not enough, rampant disease may affect your city’s social structure, severely affecting your Celestial Empire population’s happiness.
When designing the city, be sure to keep in mind the possibility of attack. Never leave your resource plots out in the open. Build your city in such a way that villainous attackers will have to work for their prize. Expect the title to release sometime in 2023 to Steam.