Activision has postponed Season 4 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty Warzone, and Call of Duty Mobile Season 7 in the wake of recent incidents in the United States.
Activision transferred the news on its online life channels and along with the accompanying message:
“While we as a whole anticipate playing the new periods of Modern Warfare, Warzone, and Call of Duty Mobile, presently isn’t the time. We are moving the dispatches of Modern Warfare Season 4, and Call of Duty: Mobile Season 7 to later dates. At present, it’s time for those supporting equity, equity, and change to be seen and heard. We remain close by you.”
The deferment comes amid nationwide police viciousness following the execution of George Lloyd in Minnesota. Sony settled on a comparable choice on Monday when they deferred Thursday’s PS5 reveal occasion to “permit increasingly significant voices to be heard.” Likewise, EA has postponed Madden 21 uncertainly in solidarity with the challenges of “fundamental inclination that is tormenting the country and our reality.”
Obligation at hand Modern Warfare Season 4 was set to go live Wednesday, June 3, with new weapons, maps, and Captain Price as another administrator. Obligation at hand: Mobile season 7 would’ve followed on Friday, June 5, with a “radioactive operator” topic.