Bugsnax, the adorable anthropomorphic snack gathering from Young Horses was revealed during last week’s Sony’s PS5 conference. And it’s a horror game. In an interview, Young Horses president Philip Tibitoski revealed the premise behind the game. He told fans and players what they’ll actually get up to in the game when they go hands-on. It will be a fun game.
Tibitoski mentioned that Bugsnax is a first-person adventure game where players play as a journalists. A journalist is sent a mysterious film from an adventurer. She is named Elizabert Megafig. Elizabeth will say that she has found some things called Bugnax. That thing is like half snack half bug creature. She will want you to go and document her discovery with her group of mislift followers.
Players will go to the island but she will be nowhere to be found. Instead, players will run into some of her followers. Players will then see what happens when bugsnax is eaten. Players will then be asked to figure out what these mysterious Bugsnax tick by studying their behavior. Looks like they will have to eat those adorable little amigos.
According to Tibitoski, characters in the game will change after they eat Bugsnax. Their bodies and limbs will turn into foods like weenies, strawberries, and curly fries. The game has been inspired by Ape Escape. Players will know what a sauce pot French fry crabs sound like. They will also be able to hear the cry of each particular Bugsnak through the controller named Dualsense.
Bugsnax will be coming on PS5, PS4 and PC. The game was unveiled at Sony’s PlayStation 5 live-streamed reveal event on 11 June 2020, with an announcement trailer featuring a walrus nature documentary-style presenter introducing gamers to the “Island of Bugsnax”