With Tiny Tina’s Wonderland raising the bar, what could happen for Borderlands 4?
Almost everything is in place for the release of the Borderlands movie which is set to release on the 9th of August and it has big shoes to fill, given the classic status this series has come to be. The Borderlands series has had a cult following for a long, long time due to its excellent replayability. The decade old Borderlands 2 game still gets played and new mods to this day.
This is mostly because the Borderlands series is an RPG looter shooter with a lot of farming, but it is not a live service game unlike Destiny. You get what you pay for upfront. Although, when I saw the trailer of the movie adaptation about half a year ago, I did not have a lot of optimism for it.
It seems like the producers and actors are more concerned with garnering a large audience than they are with presenting a production that is of high and sufficient quality. With Kevin Hart playing Roland, one of the most deadpan and serious characters in the series, and how Krieg just looks like your average psycho enemy?

Yeah, it is not looking good. Plus, there was no mention of Handsome Jack in the trailer, someone who is one of the greatest video game villains in history. The casting of Tiny Tina seems great, though. Ariana Greenblatt seems to have the chaotic fourteen-year old vibe down perfectly.
While expectations are not high for the movie, it seems like the time that the wait for the next Borderlands game is much shorter now, and I am quite excited for it. There has been talks about Borderlands 4 being announced along with the movie for the longest time now. What Randy Pitchford, the Chief Executive Officer of Gearbox, solidifies that Borderlands 4 is going to be announced very soon.
“I’m confident that our fans are going to be very very happy with the next video game project when we are ready to announce it. And I will tell you that we’re not going to be making people wait for a long time before we announce it.” – Randy Pitchford
In light of the fact that Gearbox disclosed that Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is more massive than the first instalment of the Borderlands series, it is reasonable to assert that fans have excellent have high expectations from the sequel. If the makers want to produce a sequel for current platform era, they will need to take the game to a higher level than just reskin it after Borderlands.
Borderlands 3 was an excellent game with its fast movement, cool characters, unique possible builds and weapons, but there are a few problems in it. The legendary items were not as rare as they used to be, so the feeling you got when you finally got one did not feel as special and the scarcity of dedicated loot pools meant that farming for most weapons boiled down to killing the same bosses for several weapons.

Let us not forget the horrible story either. Admittedly, following Handsome Jack up with something better was near impossible, Tyreen and Troy were just obnoxious. I just hope Gearbox takes the community feedback and comes up with something better.