The last extension in Borderlands 3’s season pass sees vault trackers enter the turned brain of fan’s most loved character Krieg the Psycho.
Borderlands 3 saw fan most loved vault tracker Krieg consigned to a modest bunch of sound logs, which was a failure to certain fans. Fans were desperate to see more from the beloved Psycho. With the recent reveal that the final Borderlands 3 DLC is centered on Krieg, today’s trailer has confirmed that the DLC will launch on September 10.
As Tennis depicts in the initial seconds of the trailer, Borderlands 3’s four vault trackers are going to jump into the psyche of Krieg, however, their goal isn’t clear. The trailer claims that a place known as “Loothalla” exists within the Psycho’s brain, but this seems like a surface-level explanation for why the vault hunters are exploring Krieg’s mind.
The far more interesting possibility is that they are there to restore Krieg’s sanity, or perhaps just trying to calm him down after he discovers the death of Maya in Borderlands 3. Krieg is seen everywhere in the trailer, regardless of whether he is a huge god-like figure patronizing the vault trackers or a littler, strangely shaded variant of himself.
Intriguingly, Maya is seen inside the trailer, likely existing as a fabrication of Krieg’s wild creative mind. Regardless of whether more substance draws near Borderlands 3 itself is muddled, however, an ongoing tweet from Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has affirmed that some more premium DLC is likely coming. Ideally, players get the chance to see Krieg again if that occurs, however, if they should hold up until Borderlands 4, at any rate, they can breathe a sigh of relief realizing that Krieg is getting a whole development to sparkle.
Krieg would not exist without that form of post-launch content, and the possibility of another playable vault hunter could add so much to the longevity of Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.