We live in a period of reboots and the Battletoads series is no special case. Presently, two months after the arrival of a new entry, Dlala Studio’s Battletoads reboot has hit more than 1,000,000 players between Xbox One and PC. Thanks to its inclusion in Xbox Game Pass.
In a blog entry, Rare revealed some other key metrics for the game, including the way that Rash is the most-chosen Battletoad. Players have altogether passed on more than 80 million times on their adventures. The post additionally stated that the quickest speedrun for the full game is around one hour 40 minutes. Furthermore, if you beat Act 1 of Battletoads, you will open a free set costume of Sea of Thieves.
On its official site, it states:
If you’re partial to a Sea of Thieves session between Battletoads brawls, you should toadally take advantage of the Fightin’ Frogs Ship Set that’s still unlockable for free by players of both games – just complete Act I of Battletoads (using the same profile that holds your Sea of Thieves progress) and you’ll earn this mean, green livery to display proudly on the seas!
Battletoad is available on Xbox One and PC.