Today is the day we can well and truly celebrate. We are only a month away from getting the entire game. But for now, you get to enjoy the Battlefield 2042 beta. If you do not already know, you get early access to the beta on 6th October. Both ways of getting early access are pre-ordering the game or becoming an EA Play subscriber. However, if you have not done either of those things, then you will have to wait two more days to be able to play.
Unfortunately, you really should have at least pre-ordered it to be able to have much more fun. We know you will have an epic time playing this game. The beta is available on PC, current-generation, and last-generation consoles, so you will most likely benefit. However, on the previous-gen console, you will be limited to being in a 64-man lobby, rather than the whopping 120 you would have if you currently own a current-gen console.