The next entry in the beloved “Tales of” series, Tales of Arise has been delayed from its 2020 release. The lateness of the series is because of the ongoing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Now Bandai Namco has pushed back the release of Tales of Arise beyond 2020.
Though the game didn’t have an exact release date the developer had planned to launch Tales of Arise on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC. They are planning to launch the game later this year. The role-playing game doesn’t have a new release window.
Producer Yusuke Tomizawa said that the development team adapted to working remotely on the game amid the coronavirus pandemic. However, the team needs more time to realize the vision. Tomizawa also explained that they decided to delay the launch timing for Tales of Arise because they certainly need more time to provide the amazing experience they envision for their players and improve the quality.
He also promised that it would provide more information when they have more details to share. No new launch window is given. To make up for the delay the team has shared a new illustrated image for the game. Which reminds us that it is always darkest before the dawn.
Tales of Arise will be the next entry following Tales of Beseria in 2017. It was first announced during Microsoft’s Xbox E3 2019 press conference. Its well-tuned combat more than makes up for its lack of appealing surroundings. And its sad story of broken people fighting for the evil team of history makes it utterly compelling.
There is no word on any next-gen versions of this. When Tales of Arise is released, it will be available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.