The new look for Wolverine is already spoiled for Deadpool 3.
Deadpool 3 is currently filming. Photos from the set have been seen by the public, more than likely not leaked to help promote the film. There have also been new pictures on set showing us Deadpool’s new costume this time around.
This seems to be a trend we see with big films like these. It goes like this: there’s a new superhero movie coming out soon. In this superhero movie, it’s been speculated that there will be a new certain character in it from the comic books. Now with that, would you rather wait until the movie comes out to be surprised in theaters? Or see it in a picture from the film set/ on the film’s trailer before you see the movie?
There isn’t a right or wrong answer here. With seeing pictures on set, it can get more people in the seats and get you more pumped to see the movie before it comes out. And on the other side of the coin, you can watch the movie and be completely surprised when you see this certain character in the movie.

From just a logical stance, with social media the way it is now, you might have to put set pictures out before someone else sneaks on set and does the same. You want to be able to control what is being leaked and what pictures are being seen. It’s going to happen anyway, so you might as well pick how you want it to go down.
For me, I love the surprise and feel that it is that classic feeling of watching cartoons every Saturday morning and not knowing if your favorite character was going to make it to the next episode or, in this case, the next movie. With eeing a lot of the story being shown from trailers and set pictures, it does take some of the magic away. There is always the option to not keep up with every trailer or pictures from the upcoming film or show you are anticipating. That is something I will keep doing and would suggest for those still wanting to be surprised.