While you can play any activity and eventually reach the desired level, if your goal is to reach level 100 as fast as possible, you should optimize the leveling process so it lasts no longer than necessary. There are no great tricks to power level to the max level in hours in this article, but relatively simple tips that, if followed, can significantly speed things up without forcing you to farm the game like there is no tomorrow.
Remember, steady leveling is important in Diablo 4, so don’t push yourself too far, or you can simply end up in a situation where the enemies are way too strong for you because you need more gear for the level.
Going into Season 2 of Diablo 4, the leveling process should be much faster than on Launch and even Season 1. Based on developers’ comments, we should reach the max level almost twice as fast (the mentioned number is a 40% increase in gained XP).
Advance World Tiers
Get to the next World Tier when the time comes – it’s an essential part of progression as you gain more experience from mobs on higher tiers up to a 200% XP increase on WT4. Indeed, the density and difficulty of enemies increases as well, but so does the quality of loot, so you will quickly get up to speed and start gathering the best pieces of gear on Nightmare and Torment.
Suppose you want to jump to the next World Tier as fast as possible and rush to the Capstone dungeon. In that case, you may find it too difficult to complete solo, especially without a well-thought-out build and specific legendaries. If that happens, try to find someone of a higher level to help you, or get a quick Diablo 4 boost and immediately proceed to the next Tier.
With the XP changes in Season 2, World Tier XP bonuses are now multiplicative, considerably speeding up the leveling and reinforcing the importance of moving to a higher World Tier as fast as possible.
Use Consumables
Many players need to pay more attention to elixirs. Not only do they provide some great buffs that will help you deal with enemies quickly and run through the game much faster, but they also include a 5% bonus to the earned experience. Find the ones that benefit your class and build the most, such as the one that improves Critical Strike Chance and Damage for the Bonespear Necromancer.
Craft as many as you can, and drink them up every time before venturing to the dungeon or the open world activity. Running through Dungeons or Events such as Legion Zone or Helltides will be much easier with the elixirs, and the XP rewarded will be even more than before.
With the launch of Diablo 4 Season 2, you should also start crafting the Incenses upon reaching level 45. The patch notes for the update indicate that these will now also grant a bonus XP and persist through death, making it much more reasonable to spend your limited resources.

Party Bonus XP
Speaking of the bonus XP buffs, teaming up with other players in D4 is quite beneficial – not only is it much more efficient to deal with enemies when joined forces with other defenders of the Sanctuary (trust me, even the most challenging content becomes significantly easier in party compared to solo play), but you will also receive 10% more XP while in party. So visit LFG ( you may find it on the official Discord community channel), or bring a friend before you hit the road!
Complete Side Activities
While it’s not always beneficial to go off your way for the side quest immediately upon discovery, they are well worth your time – completing many side quests and local events rewards players with big chunks of experience, and some quests can get you really powerful pieces of equipment to help with your gearing process. Helping out a stranger in need is a good thing to do in D4, whether it’s a player or an NPC!
Another thing that you may want to do while exploring the Sanctuary is complete the Dungeons you come across – you will unlock some much-needed Aspects for all of the classes on your account and gain a lot of experience, as well as some decent gear for your level.
Claim Renown Rewards
Pay attention to the local tasks for your region – each task completed on the Renown Tab includes a considerable XP bonus and a character power-up, such as Skill or Paragon points. If you want to, you may postpone some of these objectives until the higher World Tier to get an even more significant experience boost.
One thing that many players were worried about was that farming out these Renown objectives would be a necessity to unlock these crucial character boosts. However, it’s getting fixed in the Season of Blood, making all points and upgrades carried over to all characters once you complete them.
Also, check out our Diablo IV Review, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred DLC Review, and other guides below:
- Diablo IV Beginner’s Guide
- Diablo IV Guide | Gameplay Tips and Tricks
- Diablo IV Guide | Tips For Faster Leveling
- Diablo IV Guide | Mistakes To Avoid Early In The Game
- Diablo IV Guide | Best Sorcerer Build Early Game To Level 100
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- Diablo IV Guide | Which Class Should You Pick
- Diablo IV Guide: All Essential Terms, Phrases, Figures & Skills
- Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred | Mercenary Guide
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